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***Please Check Your Email & Click the Button that Says "Subscribe Me to This List."
In order for Your Information to Go through and be sent to us, you need to click the button in the email.
If you did not receive an email, check your Spam / Junk Folder.
Thank you for submitting your information! In order for us to process your application completely please remember to promptly do the following:

1). Check Your Inbox (or Spam / Junk Folder) and Click the Button that says, "Subscribe Me to This List." In order for us to receive your information, this button needs to be clicked or we won't know that you've filled out the form.


2). Take a DISC test at

(This is a free personality profile assessment. It takes approximately 15 to 25 minutes

for you to complete and is all fun and helpful information for you to know about

yourself as well)


3). Email Your DISC Test and a Copy of Your Resume to


4). Send us a short video of yourself stating your first and last name, where you’re from and

why we should hire you for this position. Send to:

  • This video could be as little as 30 seconds and no longer than 5 minutes.

  • It can be emailed to us or uploaded to YouTube or a cloud folder and shared with us – ensure all privacy settings are off so we can view the video.

  • No Application will be reviewed or considered without a Video and completing ALL STEPS

  • Please have fun with this exercise, and above all be yourself.






©2018 by The Green Companies

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